Monday, August 4, 2014

Natural Solution to ADD and ADHD

My experience with IN TUNE is that it seems to provide a good solution for alternative methods of dealing with ADD and ADHD and other focus type disorders.  IN TUNE is a blend of 7 powerful oils for CALMING- CLARITY AND FOCUS.

My Friends Experience

My friend Debbie told me about a little boy she knows who was having trouble focusing & paying attention to his teacher, he was frustrated, hated homework and he had trouble sleeping. It would take him a couple of hours to get to sleep on a Sunday night because he had anxiety knowing he had to go to school in the morning. These things are no longer issues for him because of using IN TUNE this boy’s grades have improved dramatically, he doesn't mind homework (as much) and he falls asleep within 10 minutes of going to bed. Pretty amazing stuff! 

What is my Experience Personally?

 I   have worked with learning disabled children in the public education system for much of my life. I am a para-educator  and an art teacher in both the public and private sector. Often art is a great release for children with ADD and ADHD, but I think IN TUNE is also a good solution. I  to love  children, especially those sometimes diagnosed with ADD and ADHD.  I believe the disorder is simply diagnosing a learning style in most cases. Children in this day and age are smart and they need to be engaged.  Sometimes I believe that miss diagnoses happen, but I know there are kids who have a real problem too.   I have found that children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD really do stay more focused when I have  on IN TUNE.   I wish the public schools I work with  would let me put IN TUNE on children....of course this is not possible, but I can wear it myself and that seems to work.. I have found that when I have it on   children who are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD want to sit next to me. They seem to have an innate sense that they can be helped in this way. 

Lynette Writes on the Doterra Blog
I have a daughter who has struggled all her life with these issues and was finally found to be autistic, though high-functioning. She has been on several medications, but has finally settled on Vyvanse and Wellbutrin, which has been working wonders for her. We didn't think it was possible to get more focus or quality of life for her than we were getting with the Vyvanse and Wellbutrin, but were amazed at how the In-Tune worked for her. I have worked in the medical field and am also certified as a family herbalist and massage therapist, so I have learned to work within the parameters of what things can and do work together well. I would strongly recommend In-Tune for anyone to use, particularly anyone who is on medications for ADD/ADHD, Autism, depression, etc.
The best way to use In-Tune, in my opinion, is to place 2-3 drops on the bottoms of each foot, rub a drop of two behind each ear, rub 2-3 drops up the c-spine (the neck) to the bottom of the skull. We also diffuse In-Tune into the air around our daughter’s desk when she is trying to work on homework.
- See more at:

For the Science Behind the Oil Please Visit this Website 

TO ORDER IN TUNE OIL visit Doterra 
IN TUNE is found under oil blends - In TUNE is in an easy to use roller bottle.  I put it on my wrists and neck like I would a perfume, it  smells wonderful! 

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