Monday, November 11, 2013

The Basics of OIls

Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds, that are the basic protection of plants. They are extracted from trees, found in the seeds, come from flowers, or other parts of plants. Essential oils have a fairly strong and often wonderful perfume. If you have ever squeezed the peeling of a citrus fruit of any type, the beads that form on the peel as you squeese it are that fruits essential oils. Essential oils of a particular plant protect it and help with pollination. Oils can be anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antisemitic,anti-microbial, anti- bacterial,and they are made of phyto-chemicals. They are soluble in fat and they do not include fatty lipids. Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential oils are clean and can be are quickly absorbed by the skin. Essential oils can be as clear as pure clean water or they may different translucent colors. Modern scientific study and holistic approaches to health are turning many to discover the wonders of essential oils and their benefits in terms of wellness applications. 
Essential Oils as the Original Medicines
It is only in the past 75 - 150  years that medical science has tried to replicate medicine synthetically. The perfume industry started purchasing essential oils in the mid-19th century, which re-introduced oils for aromatic effect but the therapeutic science behind essential oils is a more recent rediscovery.  Oils produced with integrity are important... many companies do not have a  Certified,Pure, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils specifically made for their medicinal and emotional effect.  Even people with anozmea (no sense of smell) can benefit from the effect of CPTG essential oils. Many low grade oils are sold in the health food stores or even at the dollar store but they are not CPTG.  They are usually created using high temperatures and processing methods that destroy the chemical compounds, some are even processed using chemical solvents.  Often these oils are tainted with sprays and pesticides.  CPTG Individual oils, that have been tested by a third non-biased party is important to look for. Essential oils may have anywhere from 200 to 800 different chemicals in their make up. Oils have been used everywhere all over the world throughout it's history.  No other spiritual or religous ritual is so universal.  Oils were used in Egypt, China, Sumeria, Israel, Rome, Greece, and many other ancient cultures. 

Turpines, the reason oils work.
Turpines are composed of of carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms. Monoterpenes, a specific type of turpine, occurs in practically all essential oils, Monoterpenes can penitrate the human cells. They are always antibacterial, and antiseptic as well as analgesic in their chemistry.  Turpines contained in oils have properties that help us chemically. Some oils stimulate while others are anti-inflammatory ; some are expectorants while others have specific terpines that render them antifungal or anti-viral.  Some are decongestants and some anti-rheumatic. Oils that are tested for their particular chemical constituents that render a particular oil therapeutic are important.  CPTG oils may be antihistaminic, anti-blastic, Specific turpines, susquiturpins, are even known to be anti-carcinogenetic,  There is so much more to oils than the smell. These are only a few of the chemical properties of oils. It turns out that grandma’s peppermint tea does calm our upset stomach, and her gingerbread did make us happy!  It’s nice to know that CPTG essential oils are not (snakeoils) chemistry doesn't lie.

How Oils Work
Oils are used topically; some may be diffused aromatically likewise most can also be taken internally. The therapeutic effect of an oil and its corresponding effect on our body chemistry is dependent on it’s chemical properties, which vary, but basically oils are absorbed and directly enter cells in the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system through the blood stream. Topical oils are absorbed into the blood. Aromatically diffused oils enter the system through oxygenating molecules that enter our lungs. Diffusers that use an intense heat source, like a strong light bulb or hot candle, can cause the chemical therapeutic qualities of an oil  ineffective. Cold air diffusers enable evaporation of oil molecule into the air.  Oils may also be used internally, directly through the digestive system.

Cooking with Essential Oils 
Essential oils are great for adding flavor and spice, and can easily be used.  In fact they are very potent and take only a drop to render a effective flavor. One drop or two of an oils is often as strong as over 90 glasses of herbal tea. They do not have any artifical colors or flavors, that reciently have been attributed to many different health problems.  Essential oils provide a pure plant, fruit or herbal flavor, and when not cooked, can maintain therapeutic effect.  Many great cooks use essential oils for their convenience and flavorful impact. The preferred time to add oils is at the end of the cooking process after the food has cooled so that volatile oils don’t evaporate out. 
Disinfecting oils are anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and can be used to clean the home.  They do not render the toxicity that chemical cleaners can create and they are effective in killing bacteria, mold spores and even viruses.  They are a natural substitute for man made harsh chemicals.  Oils can be used as natural deodorizers and do not contain the artificial fragrances that are used in many other products.  
Oils to enhance smells of soaps, lotions and shampoos and toothpastes have been used for a century, although sometimes harmful chemicals to these products are also added. CPTG oils, are safe and effective and do not contain the harsh chemicals that are often contained within other products. Oils are added to facial products in order to help alleviate signs of aging and promote healthy skin.  

Oil blends can be taken as supplements.  Oils have been proven in their therapeutic effectiveness; some supplements have now tested and proven to kill cancer cells. (Google USU Center for Integrated Bio Systems) The results of study were presented at an essential oil convention Oct 2013. The study was conducted by Utah State Univerisity Chemist - Patty Champine (MSC) - USU Center for Integrated Bio Systems. Nicole Stephens, Chemist, University of Las Vegas,  has done many preliminary studies on the effects of essential oils on cancers and has suggested many different essential oils and essential oil compounds for further study. 

How to use of Essential Oils
Aromatic Diffusing
Our sense of smell influences many physiological pathways,. Simply smelling things often riggers an emoitional response.  Just think of moms homemade bread or cookies.  Aromatic stimulation triggers hormones and other metabolic processes. Aromatherapy is a therapy that uses olfactory triggers. is founded on human predictable response to specific aromatic stimuli. Many essential oils, when diffused in the air, can be stimulants in their effect, while other essential oils have a very calming and soothing effect. Beyond emotional benefits, diffusing essential oils can purify air of unwanted odors and some airborne bacteria and spores. Low or no-heat essential oil diffusers are the best type of diffusers to use because as they do not change the chemical structure of the oil being diffused. 

Topical Uses Due to their natural molecular composition, essential oils are easily absorbed by the skin and can be safely applied topically. Application of essential oils can have immediate, localized benefit. Blue Tanzania is one such essential oil, that is both anti-inflammatory as well as anti-rheumatic in it's effect, it feels very soothing and cooling. It is used in many types of anti-rheumatic pharmaceutical creams and lotions for arthritis because of it's  therapeutic effect. Although these creams and lotions often contain some type of pain killer as well. Topical uses of oils can calm  and can also be used effectively with massage and therapy. Oils are also natural disinfectants. The chemical structure of essential oils also allows them to be absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream and can benefit the body internally.

Essential oils can also be used as dietary supplements because they support a variety of healthy conditions. Some essential oils have powerful antioxidant properties while others help support healthy inflammatory response in cells. Many essential oils are safe for dietary use, but some oils should not be taken internally. Do not use any essential oil product internally that does not have the appropriate dietary supplement facts on its label.