Monday, November 11, 2013

Frankincense and Myrrh Gifts for the Christ Child

Gifts for the Christ Child
Have you ever wondered why it was so important for the wise men to bring to the Savior of the world gifts of Frankincense and Myrrh? We think of Gold as something of great worth but Frankincense and Myrrh what was the meaning of these particular gifts? These gifts had an obvious value but why?  Was their value more than merely symbolic? They were offered to Jesus of the magi. Frankincense and Myrrh were most likely chosen for more than just their special spiritual symbolism.  Gold was representing our Saviors kingship, and also, because of it's need for refinement, Jesus's ability to refine each of us.  Gold also was practical, in that it provided means, Frankincense and Myrrh were also expensive commodities but why? Were these two gifts practical as well?  Do they also contain symbolic value?  Why were they offered to the Savior of the World?

The Book of Isaiah, when describing Jerusalem’s glorious restoration, tells of nations and kings who will come and “bring gold and incense and shall proclaim the praise of the Lord” (Isaiah 60:6).  Frankincense and Myrrh were used in priesthood ordinances in connection with temple sacrifice. (Leviticus 6:15)  (Exodus 30:23) And, so the world came to look for the entrance of a king, and magi studied the stars searching for His arrival. Even in Old Testament times Isaiah’s words help us understand how valuable the Savoir was by the gifts that would be given Him. Frankincense and Myrrh were expensive commodities. Many scriptures deal specifically with Frankincense as well as Myrrh.  

The book of Matthew in the bible states, “And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11) Note the word “treasures” in reference to the gifts that the wise men were bringing.  The gifts were the most precious that they had to offer.  They felt the gifts important enough to give them to the Son of God.  That tells us something about this Child's importance as well as the importance of the offering.

An article in the Ensign, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Biblicalarchaeology.0rg helps us understand some of the symbolic as well as practical reasons for the last two gifts.    

Frankincense had a practical use and held a considerable monetary value at the time of Jesus Christ, as can be evidenced by the archaeology of the Frankincense Trail which starts in the lower end of the Arabian Peninsula and continues past the Mediterranean. The practical uses of this sweet tree resin were not only found in its aromatic perfume. It is also known that this resin, had been used medicinally. Researchers at Cardiff University have demonstrated that frankincense has an active ingredient that can help relieve arthritis by inhibiting the inflammation that breaks down cartilage tissue and causes arthritis pain. The new study validates traditional uses of frankincense as an herbal remedy to treat arthritis in communities of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, where the trees that produce this aromatic resin grow. Today users of Certified Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil have a saying’ “when in doubt use frankincense.”  Its medicinal qualities have even been studied with significant results in many areas including cancer (Nicole Stephens Cancer Research) Having this oil on hand is essential to a medicine cabinet equipped against many of the terribly invasive diseases that may begin to infiltrate our world today.   
The Symbolic Meaning of Frankincense is associated with its use in priesthood ordinances, such in burnt offerings (see Leviticus 2:1), and in oil for anointing priests. Thus, it can represent the Lord’s priesthood and His role as the Lamb of God to be sacrificed on our behalf (see John 1:29). Frankincense has been researched for it's anti-aging effects. The idea of Immortality and eternal life seem also to be a symbolic meanings of this precious gift. Frankincense is also known to be able, by means of GABA receptors and due to it's being a sesquiterpene, to cross blood brain barriers - This symbolic meaning could help us understand the need for our Savior to help us cross worldly barriers into Heavenly realms. 

Myrrh, also a tree resin, is documented as economically valuable for its medicinal purposes as 
well. Evidences suggest that its medicinal uses were highly beneficial in Christ’s time period. explains that Myrrh medicinally, has been used as an astringent, antiseptic, anti parasitic  and antispasmodic agent. As early as the 4th century BC It was commonly included in mixtures used to treat worms, wounds, and sepsis. Myrrh played a key role in the religious ceremonies of the ancient Egyptians. Today, myrrh is still used as a component in mouthwashes and gargles because of its well known astringent qualities

Medicinal Myrrh - Archaeology Magazine Archive 

The Symbolic Meaning of Myrrh in the New Testament, is usually associated with embalming and burial because of its preservative qualities (see John 19:39–40). Myrrh’s medicinal uses can symbolize Christ’s role as the Master Healer,and its use in burials can symbolize “the bitter cup” He would drink when He suffered for our sins (see D&C 19:18–19) Myrrh's analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties are also being studied with significant results in overcoming pain. The symbolic meaning of which can help us understand the Savior and his effect on overcoming both the actual and spiritual pains in each of us. See also  The name Marry, from the Greek is Myrrh and means "not of heaven" - when we think about this we begin to realize that Mary was chosen "of the earth", not that she was not heavenly but that she needed to be the earthly mother of the savior. Jesus was born to an earthly Mother and a Heavenly Father. What an enlightenment! Jesus had a Heavenly Father, God, "of Heaven" and an earthly mother Mary "of the earth".  

It is almost certain that the Magi (the wise men) “from the East” knew of many of the healing properties of these tree resins when they presented them to the young baby Jesus. The symbolic meanings may have also been understood by them. Jesus was the one that they were looking for, Our Savior, and His light is still blessing the lives of the world.  These wise men traveled from afar as a symbol to each of us of the importance of our Lord. They thought these resins so important that they offered them as gifts to the Savior of the world, and though nothing of this world could possibly pay back our Savior for what he has done for us it is enlightening to know that these men presented the most valuable things that they could possibly give.  It may be “wise” to have these oils in our medical supply closet, they are still wonderful gifts.  

One of the most practical ways to use Frankincense and Myrrh  is to apply them topically onto the skin.  Frankincense is often put into creams and lotions its oil is know specifically to reduce many of the signs of aging.  Frankincense can be diffused aromatically in a cold air diffuser, it has the ablility to lift the spirit, and some feel it may also be helpful in clearing the air of many microbial threats. As stated before, when in doubt use Frankincense. Myrrh can also be topically applied.  Rubbing myrrh on bottoms of the feet, (feet being the place of highest absorption because of having the largest pores in the body) or applied topically on places that ache. Of course, keep all essential oils out of the eyes and away delicate tissues of the skin.

Frankincense and Myrrh Products

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