Monday, April 21, 2014

Fibonacci and The God Sequence in Oils

Broccoli demonstrating the Fibonacci sequence. 
As an Artist, I am fascinated with the Fibonacci Sequence and how wonderfully it explains order in our universe.  It relates to Phi = 1.618033988... and the Golden Mean. It is not just in art and math, it is found in music as well as in many things in nature, including Essential Oils.  I prefer to think of it as Gods Patterns, in fact, in art it is considered to be the formula for beauty itself. It is contained within shapes most pleasing to the eye.  This sequencing of like ratios is found rapid throughout nature, everything from large galaxies to atomic scale magnetic resonance, from a simple sunflowers to a complexity of crystals. It is speculated, that somewhere contained within the magical number patterns of the Fibonacci Sequence is the key to a universal law.  There has got to be some divinely understood theory behind this wonderful patterning found throughout our well thought out and well devised
Fibonacci Sequence = Golden Ratio

The Fibonacci sequence was discovered by a wonderful Italian mathematician Bonaccio Leonardo Fibonacci.  The sequence goes as such 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,... and so on.  Where 1 and 1 are 2, 1 and 2 are 3, 3 and 5 are 8, 5 and 8 are 13 and so on and so forth forever. The ratios are what is exciting, for created by the spaces between each number in the Fibonacci sequence is a specific ratio.  The match up is not in number, but rather one of proportion. Some would superimpose a certain sequence on a natural object and claim it is all a sham - but it is not a sham at all. For the ratio is what is referenced not the numeral, though the numbers differ the ratio is the same. In nature it always approaches Phi which is the math way of saying "the Golden Ratio" but in art we often know this proportion as the Golden Mean. It also ironically, relates to Pascals Triangle I reference it as the God Sequence myself.  I don't think it mystical or mysticism at all.  I mean as we study it we can understand it. I think God understands it very well and as we study it we can understand it too. Take 13 year old Aidan Dwyer who studied it in tree structure and found it optimal in harvesting sunlight for photosynthesis. He then, using the principle, was able to apply it to efficient harvesting of solar power. He saw it in nature and turned around and replicated it's law.  Many reference it as Divine Proportion.  I think it is divine as well. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints references human intellect in this way.  If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal. (Doctrine and Covenants 42:61)

Well, it turns out, the Fibonacci Sequence is also used in the Art of Essential Oils.  Awesome as it sounds, oils also are created using this sequencing of numbers in order to create perfect blends.  Not only this but oils because of their (Fibonacci Sequences) help to stabilize our frequencies in the midst of other things, man made, which create chaos and disharmony in our universe. 

The beauty of a sunflower, is in perfect resonance with Fibonacci sequencing
In 1992, studies conducted by Bruce Tainio, of Tainio Technology (an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington), using the world's first frequency monitor, determined that the average, frequency of the human body as being 62-68 MHz.
Phi in Pine cones
 He also determined that a healthy body exerted a frequency is between 62-72 MHz. Then he found that as person's frequency drops, the immune system becomes more and more compromised.  If a persons frequency drops below 58 MHz, cold and flu symptoms may begin to appear, dropping further and further on the frequency scale more and more problems attack a persons health.

Jasmine and Fibonacci Sequencing!  Beautiful! 
Universal Law of Golden Ratio - 
Nikola Tesla, best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system said that, if we could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered in our bodies, we would have greater resistance toward disease.  Many pollutants, lower healthy frequencies of the body.  Processed and canned food have a frequency of absolutely zip and either that or chaos are  frequencies associated with many fast foods. No surprise here! Joseph Smith, the prophet, had it right. It has now been measured on a scale of frequency that just one sip of coffee can, lower a person's frequency by 14 MHz. After that sip it will then take about three days for a person's frequency to return to normal. (this is without use of essential oils.)  

Fossil Shell and the Golden Ratio, Golden Mean or Fibonacci Sequence  a Universal Law! 
The Golden Mean, Frequencies and Fibonacci Numbers. 
The Wonder of a Snowflake also is related to Fibonacci Numbers.

So, what can one do to maintain high frequencies?  Turns out when essential oils are inhaled, frequencies that have been interfered with due to associations with chaotic frequencies such as foods & even devices, will return to normal within 21 seconds. Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any known natural substance. Starting at 52 MHz and go as high as 320 MHz — the frequency of rose oil.  (For purposes of comparison, fresh produce has up to 15 MHz, dry herbs from 12 to 22 MHz, and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 MHz.) Frequencies of different essential oils have demonstrated the ability to help restore and/or maintain a person's frequency for optimal health, creating an environment in which microbes — bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. — simply can not live. 

The frequency of an essential oil, along with its fragrance and chemistry, plays an integral part of its overall therapeutic effect of an essential oil.  When an oil is Pure (CPTG) it's kinetic "life" has the ability to raise the level of a person's xi, enhancing health and well-being; while its harmonic resonance can bring balance to all body systems. Strangely enough we can understand to a great effect, harmony between essential oils and humans by studying music.  The following is Bence Peter Demonstration of the Fibonacci Sequence in Music.

The piano is a great example of the physical manifestation of Fibonacci numbers in instruments. There are traditionally thirteen notes which separate each octave, or set of eight notes, in a scale. The foundation of a scale is formed around the third and fifth tones. Both of those pitches are "whole tones," which are two steps from the first note of the scale. Guitars also use the Fibonacci sequence! The guitar is separated into segments referred to as "frets." Frets get smaller and smaller as they approach the body of the guitar. If you were to use a slide rule to measure, you would discover that there is a relationship between the frets of a guitar and logarithmic measures because they decrease with the same proportions.  Amazingly, the ratio between frets also, in a good guitar, approaches the number Phi. Fibonacci's sequence is a logarithmic measure, and therefore it's easy to 
see the relationship between the composition of the guitar and Fibonacci numbers.

Art and the Golden Ratio
So, what does this have to do with Essential Oils... Well...

Scientists have recently recognized that the double-helix structure of the DNA molecule also has the logarithmic proportions of the Golden Ratio (McWhinnie, 62).

The average frequencies of  therapeutic grade essential oils that have been measured: and it appears, putting these two facts together that oils and DNA Simpy help heal. 

Rose (Rosa damascene).....................320 MHz
Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia)........118 MHz
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)................105 MHz
Blue Chamomile (Matricaria recutita).....105 MHz
Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma)............98 MHz
Aloes/Sandalwood (Santalum album)......96 MHz
Angelica (Angelica archangelica)...........85 MHz
Peppermint (Mentha peperita)..............78 MHz
Galbanum (Ferula gummosa).................56 MHz
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)......................52 MHz 

These frequency numbers directly relate, just as harmony between piano keys or  guitar strings, to the same PHI sequencing factors in human DNA.  When humans use pure therapeutic grade essential oils the frequencies of each individual oil helps to raise the personal human resonance to a higher level on the frequency scale. It is a simple matter of harmonic resonance with between man (or woman) and nature. It is true, the Beach Boys got it right.  Not only can we have good vibrations but we can have them by thinking good thoughts as well. Our xi, is raised by simply doing good, thinking good and being good.  That also correlates with scripture. So, while your thanking Fibonacci, Thank God!  For it is his divine proportions which have been have been discovered - by man, and which are continuing to be discovered even at a greater level in this new day and age! Next time you inhale a lovely jasmine oil or a wonderful lavender thank God that you can have Good Vibrations!  ~ 
Watch Ted Talk about the Fibonacci Sequence for a better understanding.

Just wondering, lets combine a few things;  look at a Divinely Proportioned creation, listen to a awesomely harmonic Fibonacci sequencing in music while diffusing essential oils of a high frequency and while doing so clear your thought processes and think good.  My theory is that this might help healing increase in individuals with leaps and bounds!!!

Click Here for Trying Oils
Click Here for Understanding of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

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