Thursday, March 13, 2014

Cassia Essential Oils

Cassia tree, the oil is made from the bark.

Cassia in Scripture

We should all be impressed with Cassia Oil.   Cassia was an article of merchandise imported into Tyre by Greek merchants, so it wasn't cheep. (Ezekiel 27:19  )We know that it was of value by the ancient prophets and holy men of The Bible. There is another Hebrew word also rendered cassia, and that is "Oil of Gladness" Psalms 45:7- 8 Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad.

 Cassia is a close relative to Cinnamon Oil and smells very similar. Cassia cinnamon is primarily produced in Indonesia and has the stronger smell and flavor of the two varieties. This cheaper variety is what we usually buy in grocery stores to sprinkle on our apple pies or French toast. The two oils share many of the same properties.  Actual Cinnamon smells a bit sweeter and a bit milder. Cassia is sweet, spicy and warm, and stronger. Cassia oil is usually the least expensive of the two oils.   Cassia is mentioned in the Old Testament, in Exodus we learn that the Lord, did not consider the two oils the same however for he made a stipulation that the holy anointing oil contain both Cinnamon as well as Cassia.

Analyzing Psalms 45:7 ...( and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad.) we see how the Psalmist is singing specifically about Cassia  used in Ivory places (such as temples) God does things for a reason, why do you suppose it was important that "High Places" smelled like Cassia Oil? The Holy places of the Old Testament smelled of Cassia Oil and this oil helped to make those entering feel of all other things - glad, it was the Oil of gladness.  The Lord himself sanctioning Cassia, because, among other things, besides just being holy - the Lord wanted Israel to be happy. Israel was known to complain (Murmur) a lot about unhappiness.

In the book, Emotions and Essential Oils, cassia is associated with gladness and strength. In fact it is suggested that you use Fractionated Coconut Oil as a carrier oil because of it's strength!  Also, one needs to be careful in diffusing Cassia because it can irritate the sinuses. It is simply strong! Remember it shouldn't be used if your pregnant or if you are nursing a child because it is a Anti-galactogogue: In other words this oil can reduce the secretion of milk. Also. don't use on a  young child (under 6) because of it's great strength.
Cassia's main root emotions are self- assurance, gladness and courage to the heart and soul! This makes sense, Cassia is up to 85% Cinamal Acitate, a chemical used used as a fixative in the manufacture of perfumes, which means its chemistry is a very strong
 and the chemical properties hang around, on your clothing, and on your being.

Properties Associated with Cassia Oil
Anti-Emetic (stops vomiting)
Anti-Microbial (protects us from micro-organisms.)
Anti-Rheumatic or Arthritic (helps with rheumatism and arthritis)
Astringent, (strengthening hair, roots gums, muscles and tightens and uplifts skin and can also treat internal and external hemorrhaging because of it's astringency.
Anti-Viral (meaning stops viruses) it helps lowers body temperate (moves heat away from internal and out to the external body),
Stimulates the Metabolism and Increases Circulation. 
Emenagogu, meaning it  relaxes menstrual cramps. Cassia also lends relief to symptoms of menses such as nausea, headaches & drowsiness.

Blends that contain Cassia are often associated with shielding effects. Protecting individuals from bacteria, molds and viruses.  Oils that strengthen the immune system also often contain either  Cassia . Hence, when you use Cassia you feel supported, and strengthened.

Historically Cassia was not easy for the Ancient Israel to find... Arabs transported cinnamon as well as cassia via cumbersome land routes, resulting in a limited, expensive supply that made the use of cassia or cinnamon a status symbol in Europe in the Middle Ages.

So, it wasn't an easy thing for God to demand it's use in the Holy Oil. He wanted it used for a reason... and when you realize it's properties, no wonder it was used in the temples, the Israelite needed it's strength, The use was  symbolic. It's strength was well known - The holy anointing oil in temples is associated with strength of the Lord.  Pslams 28:8 The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed. "It brings new meaning to the the words "Strength of the Lord"

If you are still in doubt as to the reality of the properties or the emotions that can be derived from this strong oil imagine a winter day, no sun outside - gray, blowy, cold and wet.  Now, imagine making with your family Cinnamon rolls in your home, they are
baking in the oven, imagine you take a deep smell of the aroma - sweet, warm, spicy.  The smell of the Cassia. (Which smells like and often is Cassia, this being the cheaper spice is what we usually buy in grocery stores to sprinkle on our apple pies or French toast - what we think of as Cinnamon is usually Cassia)- but, back to the Cinnamon Rolls, does not the smell simply gladden your heart? You feel in your soul warmth, and support. Think of sipping a nice rich cup of steaming apple cider with it's soothing warmth and cinnamon like smells (again really cassia usually) it helping support you as you are suffering from a cold.
The smell of it surrounds the partaker.  If you can imagine this you can easily understand the idea of strength, support and happiness associated to the properties Cassia. It supports the soul, enlivens and gladdens heart and helps lift one out of grayness and into the light. That is probably why the Holy Oil contained it, Cassia lifts. The symbolism is striking! Cassia soothes, uplifts, gladdens and strengthens - God knew what he was doing, no surprise, he didn't just use Cassia for it's ability but for it's symbolism. God is the ultimate in multi-tasking!    

Cassia literally is a gift of Strength and Gladness given us of the Lord!! Thank Heavens for Cassia!

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