Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Alkalinity Helps to Heal

Alkalinity Helps to Heal 

There are a number of new books out there about the positive effects of an Alkaline Body.  Toni Toney Eco Diet I have found to be absolutely wonderful.  The other one that I liked was Dr. Robert Young (Ph) Miracle. I was able to meet Toni and listen to her story, at a convention that I went to in California this past summer. She is awesome, healed herself.  What an inspiration, her spirit radiates from her, I felt such a strong strong spirit of truth as she spoke about the positive effects of an alkaline body.  Dr. Robert Young got a lot of flack and residual effects of flack from his book and his practice, it seems there are some who would have us keep the truth away from the public. But that is often the case when something is the truth. To declare it is what takes the courage, even in the midst of persecution from neighbors, friends, sometimes even family members who have been coerced by conspiring men that the things that we should know are true are in fact a falsehood.  Sometimes the more you know, the less you get it.   

One of the best documents on Alkalinity is the Word of Wisdom.  Many believe it is only a document about no alcohol and no tobacco, no tea and no coffee. Some don't know about the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saint Religon at all, so I provided a link.  But, if you do know about it and have looked into it you will find that the Word of Wisdom very much tells us how to eat an Alkaline Diet.  

Doctrine and Covenants 89:10 -15  And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man— Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit  in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving. Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.  All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth;  And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger.

This tells us a number of things....
1.  Eat Fruits in Season (very much an idea that Toni Toney of the Eco Diet) But Revealed to Joseph Smith from God clear back in 1833. Now days we are even seeing the reasoning behind eating things in our area, and how foods that are transported long distances lack nutritional value, cost money and resources to ship not to mention how it adds to the pollution of the planet. Tomatoes for instance, often ripened with argine gas and shipped long distances, they look absolutely perfect in the grocery store, but are very much lacking in the nutritional value. It is said that a tomato grown locally has 3 times the nutritional value of one shipped in.

2.  Eat Very Little Meat - we are supposed to eat meat sparingly.  In fact it says it is pleasing if meat is only used in times of famine. Ok, so we eat too much meat - That is the truth, we can eat a little bit more if it is cold I suppose but then the Lord said; "it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, cold or famine.

3.  Grain is for man, it is the staff of life, but again, after explaining that it is not only for man and beasts we learn that God only would like this used in times of famine or excess hunger as well. Quote from verse 15 "and these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess hunger"

This leaves us eating, fruits, veggies, seeds, berries, legumes, herbs. That is the size of it.  Oh well, it says nothing about milk, eggs or dairy products, nothing about sugar and nothing about hydrogenated oils. It does say in one of the beginning verses of section 89 "Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation— " Sugar is a drug, if you don't believe it try and stop eating it. Processed foods are addictive as well and even worse they have very little nutrition to offer, fast food, and soda is the ultimate in bad, all come from conspiring men. So, we know what to do now the hard part is implementing it all, getting off the processed foods, but - the understanding of it is pretty straight forward. 

I know that there are "Conspiring Men" out there who are trying to keep all of this information away from the general public. Look at how much Guff was received by Dr. Gerson and his predecessors. Watch the trailer from the Movie "Beautiful Truth".  Watch the trailer from the Movie.

Other Books and DVD's About Alkalinity and Healthy Bodies
The China Study Cookbook (I couldn't link the China Study but it is good too)

Healing Soup

Healing Soup - Wonderful for Colds and Flu!  

This soup helped me recover from a necessary surgery - sometimes we do need medicine.
However the first surgery could have been prevented had I only known what I know now.

3 cloves garlic 
2 tbs fresh cilantro
1 large onion
2-3 tablespoons fresh grated ginger
3 tablespoons vegetable broth (can use chicken)
2-3 quarts water
1 cucumber chopped
Salt to taste (Celtic sea salt)
1-2 carrots – organic
1 small head cabbage or broccoli
3 stalks of celery

Steam fry garlic cloves – set aside.  Put whole onion in deep pan and simmer til onions are transparent (about 1 hour) add broth and garlic slice other vegetables and add to soup. Simmer 10 to 15 minutes.  Add ginger and cilantro at end – salt to taste.  Wonderful for colds, sinus and flu.

Thanks, given to me from my dear friend during a time of healing – given to her from her Grandmother, some of the best things in life are passed down to us through generations. 

There are a number of books out there about the positive effects of an Alkaline Body.  Toni Toney Eco Diet I have found to be one of the best.  I was able to meet Toni and listen to her story, at a convention that I went to in Daytona Beach this past summer. She has a good spirit that radiates from her!  If you are interested in purchasing products to help you get alkaline - here is the link.... Toni Toney recommends these products, as do I. These greens also help heal and get healthy and alkaline, and they taste good and are an easy solution, especially at first. There is a green shake that I drink daily - it helps heal and tastes good.  I also take a product from this company that helps me re-alkaline called a "Booster".  It helps when I make mistakes (as we all do) and eat too many acidic products. To heal from my surgery I used a wonderful product called Recovery. Recovery is a safe molecular hydrogen - patten pending product. I do 2 different products for protein - one from this company and one from another.  V-shake as well as SevenPoint2 Shake. Everything I do is non-dairy, and whole organic - you can easily read and understand the labels. If I feel the flu coming on I will take On Guard Softgells. When I am working at the school with lots of kids and lots of germs I take On Guard Beadlets

I actually have only been sick one time in the last 5 years, and it was because I took my son to the doctor to check for a broken ankle (which he ended up not having) and got the flu from the waiting room germs.  Cured it with On Guard Essential Oil and haven't gotten sick since (knock on wood).   

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Overcome Depression with Essential Oils

Overcoming Depression for Latter Day Saints 

Do you need to gladden your heart?  Do you need to enliven your soul? It seems that there are sometimes real but hidden answers hidden in the scriptures where we least expect them. When trying to overcome issues of depression there are many factors that help; Diet, exercise, fresh air, sunshine and light, positive affirmations, forgiveness of self and others. Of course words of Jesus, worship and prayer and service are important, but many times people who are depressed are doing those things, and may find, as I did, that suggestions to the contrary can lead to even worse symptoms of depression!

LDS Teachings
D&C 59: 16-20 ... ... all things which come of the earth, in the season thereof, are made for the benefit and the use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart; Yea, for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul...

This is an interesting scripture, most notably to those who understand essential oils, because this scripture, speaks of things that come of the earth, and talks specifically of smells. explaining they are to....gladden the heart... Have you thought of this, a smell which gladdens the heart, and then it says enliven the soul?  If you could have something that would gladden your heart and enliven your soul wouldn't that be wonderful?

Statistics are Depressing - Skip this Part if you are Depressed

We live in a day and age when things are really saddening the hearts of the world around us. (Doctrine and Covenants 88:91), it is the last days.  Did you know that 80% of those suffering from symptoms of depression do not receive any treatment.  The worst part of the statistics are that people with depression are four times as likely to develop a heart attack than those without a history of the illness.(National Institute of Mental Health, 1998) and it get's worse, sorry, depression is the also the cause of over two-thirds of the 30,000 reported suicides in the U.S. each year. (White House Conference on Mental Health, 1999) We need solutions.

What do the Scriptures Suggest we do? 
(Proverbs 3:13) explains Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. So, if we want gladdening of the heart we need to do some searching. Many, including those who have found Jesus, suffer from symptoms of depression...When we study things out, from the best books, words of wisdom (Doctrine and Covenants 109:7) and we study things "in the earth, and things of ancient history" (Doctrine and Covenants 88:79) we find some hints to some answers.

There are many scriptures that compare smells with gladness.

(Hebrews 1:9) Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

This isn't about oil it is about Jesus's gift to us, but for some reason, oil is used to explain this gladness, it is the comparison. People in Jesus's day seemed to associate oils with gladdening power.  They understood the metaphor, between Jesus's gift and the gift of oil to the heart. Many different oils were used in biblical times,  The bible speaks of spacific oils namely aloes (Sandlewood), Cassia, Cedarwood, Cypress, Frankinsence, Hissop, Myrrh, Myrtle, Rose, Spikenard. Onycha . I use a product called Elevation.

(Pslams 45:7-8) Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad..

The chemical constituents of cassia essential oils make it smell spicy, warm and sweet.  It is known to be a personifier as well as an enhancer. (helps enhance other oils)  It is found in the bark of a Laurel tree. It's chemical properties make it antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral.  But, it is also can lend powerful support  and personal enhancement to other oils when blended with them. Myrrh comes from  tree resin and it also can be an essential oil. It is anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral, astringent and tonic. Though Myrrh was used for embalming it was also used for religious rituals of ancinet Israel and is known to promote awareness and can be very uplifting.  Blended together with aloes (Sandlewood) these oils make a wonderful oil that seems to be associated with promotion of gladness of the heart.

 Oil and gladness comparisons are not few in the scriptures.  Ancient prophets obviously teach with real ideas. The relation between certain oils and happiness is, by reason of the comparisons, obvious. It seems that people of the bible understood the metaphor.

(Isaiah 61:3) To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.

This is a strong conparitive , Isaiah is always filled with meaning, Isaiah often uses ideas familiar to convey deep religious truths. Here he is talking indirectly of an oil and directly of the Messiah, and planting our self in Zion in the last days  - but what oil might he have been making indirect reference to? It could have been frankincense. Frankincense is made from the resin of a tree indigenous to regions of the middle east it was the also the gift of the magi. (messanic message of the text) Frankincense, ironically, is also known for it's anti-depressant qualities, it promotes joy.

 The songs of (Solomon 4:13-14) associates fruits of Lebanon with joy as well.  He uses the fruits as a comparison with pleasantness, calling them pleasant fruits. "Thy plants are an orchard of pomegranates, with pleasant fruits; camphire, with spikenard, Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes (sandlewood), with all the chief spices:

So spices as well as fruits are associated with pleasantness.  Smells of these things of the earth are used to draw us to the point. The songs of Solomon were written so well we almost smell the garden as we read about it. It seems that in order to understand the point, we need to realize that smells, no matter which type is being referenced, are associated with helping ones pleasantness. 

The scriptures are contain much information about oils, smells and spices, that draw upon these same particular comparisons.... Smells of fruit, spice, trees flowers and oils seem to have been well understood anciently, and are beginning to be re-understood modernly.

Does Aromatherapy Help?
The answer is a definite YES!  If you have smelled homemade bread and it has brought to your mind the feeling of love from a mother or a grandmother or someone else, you already know this answer.  If someone has handed you a flower and you put your nose to it to smell it's fragrance ask yourself, what are you doing that for?  Is it not to gladden your heart. Smells stimulate our autonomic nervous system and release endorphines and other hormones into the bloodstream.  They are picked up by GABA receptors and transfered to the brain.  Our brain then interprets these hormones - this is the basic chemistry behind happiness. Aromatherapy may not be the only answer but it is a very key ingredient to overcoming depression.  Studies on oils and depression are are well documented. A study done with women and postpartum depression found that aromatherapy was a complementary therapy  helping with anxiety and postpartium depression. Similar studies have been done with Rosemary and Jasmine. (click Here to find ... Many studies with many different oils which help explain the benefits of aromatherapy in overcoming issues of depression. Interestingly enough many anti-depressant oils originate in the middle east; Frankincense, Bergamont, Melissa (Lemon Balm), Sandalwood, Patchouli, Cypress and Myrrh and, as Solomon hints to, citrus fruit oils have now been proven to elevate the spirit. Flowers LavenderRose and Jasmine are all things of the earth put there to gladden the heart through smell as well as beautify it.

Does smell have to come from an essential oil?

No, of course not, we can smell lots of things and be happy, but to get the most benefit, smell needs to be pure. Tainted chemicals can make us more depressed. I remember when a number of candles were recalled because of the lead in the wicks. If you are looking for therapeutic effect, and a true gladdening, look for a company that claims therapeutic effect, not smells for atmosphere. Make sure what we are smelling isn't doing more damage than it is good. Also, we know that effective essential oil chemicals are nullified in their therapeutic effect when over heated.  It destroys the "latch key" so to speak, that allows the chemicals to attach to GABA receptors. Using a cold air diffuser is important,  That is why there is a need for Certified, Pure, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils, diffused in a cold air diffuser. Oils that are CPTG contain only chemical constituent that gladden our heart and nothing else.

Symptoms of depression can continue for weeks or months or even years. There are answers out there, don't give up. Depression is very real and, it can destroy.  But, oils do help.  I know this personally, I use an oil called Balance and another called Elevation, which are oils blended specifically for overcoming depression.  There is science behind the aroma There are answers, I would suggest holding onto this wisdom and this understanding, and of course use all oils with appropriate knowledge.

For trying oils and oil products: I sell them because they work, and help others find them because it took me so long to find answers myself. Thank heaven's someone shared with me, so now I share with others.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Essential Oil Healing History

Physicians Healing and History

Two hundred years ago, visiting the doctor was risky business, and it is somewhat risky still today, considering how many germs are floating around in the waiting room.  Anesthetics were unavailable, two hundred years ago.  An open wound could easily become infected during an operation and deadly diseases could not be treated. However, we tend to think in terms of our most resent history and we also tend to believe that we are always improving, or rather that history is always leading us in a progressive direction and continues to become better and better.  This is the error of the human mind when we study history. In 1667 a successful blood transfusion was carried out using a lamb as a Donner, lucky the patient, a young boy age 15, survived!  This is what we think of as medical progress.  But  we forget about ancient history, we tend to think that modern medicine is the only answer and the only way.  It seems though that progress, and history isn't always an upward climb. 
Ancient Egyptians knew about the heart and heart rate, pulse rate, blood and air in combination with the human body and the emotions long before we ever attempted a lamb patient blood transfusion. In what is called Papyrus Ebers that dates back to 1500 BC we find a surprisingly accurate description of the entire circulatory system.   In fact in looking back we find that even brain surgery has been practiced anciently in many cultures around the world Ancient Egyptian surgical practice is well documented to archaeologists. Ancient mummification techniques is ample proof that medical knowledge was known to humans long before two hundred years ago and our sometimes botched attempts at playing doctor. Ancient Sumerians were known to practice medicine as well using oils and spices as medicine.  There are several texts showing the liability of physicians who performed surgery that have been found in regions of Iran. - See more at: Ancinet Mesopotamia Iran History.  One need only study the history of the spice trade to realize the importance of spices and oils as medical answers. The trade was extensive and the practice of spices was not only related to worship, but rather health.  This trade drove the world economy prior to the dark ages. It was wealth - and also health. 
The spice trade reached from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indonesia. 

We would be very naive indeed to consider Western Medicine as the only successful answer to health. The Chinese practice of medicine dates back to 5000 years ago. Many of these practices have been shown to be highly successful. A recent randomized controlled study has shown a commercially available herbal plant oils to be effective in reducing symptoms of Irritable Bowl Syndrome, as long as Western Medical drugs are avoided. Avoiding Western Drugs, as we study it more and more,
could sometimes be the solution. One needs only watch commercials on T.V. to realize the numerous problems of pharmaceuticals. There are extensively long lists of adverse side effects of drugs that are being advertised. Often those lists include death and suicide. There are also commercial lawsuits alerts, sometimes following those same advertisements, in which the introduction of drugs considered safe to distribute to the public has later proven to be the cause of major medical problems, again those some of those problems being death and suicide.  It seems that Western Medicine isn't working as effectively as we would wish.
Doctors today still refer to themselves, after medical school, as practicing, and that is just what they are doing, though no doubt they are often skilled and highly trained, and are answering problems in the way they have been trained.  It seems that good answers to our health could actually, however, lie further back into the historical records. Ancient history is sometimes not so primitive as we would like to believe. When we speak of Western Medicine as being a new "discovery" we are being very loose in our interpretation of the word discovery.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Frankincense and Myrrh Gifts for the Christ Child

Gifts for the Christ Child
Have you ever wondered why it was so important for the wise men to bring to the Savior of the world gifts of Frankincense and Myrrh? We think of Gold as something of great worth but Frankincense and Myrrh what was the meaning of these particular gifts? These gifts had an obvious value but why?  Was their value more than merely symbolic? They were offered to Jesus of the magi. Frankincense and Myrrh were most likely chosen for more than just their special spiritual symbolism.  Gold was representing our Saviors kingship, and also, because of it's need for refinement, Jesus's ability to refine each of us.  Gold also was practical, in that it provided means, Frankincense and Myrrh were also expensive commodities but why? Were these two gifts practical as well?  Do they also contain symbolic value?  Why were they offered to the Savior of the World?

The Book of Isaiah, when describing Jerusalem’s glorious restoration, tells of nations and kings who will come and “bring gold and incense and shall proclaim the praise of the Lord” (Isaiah 60:6).  Frankincense and Myrrh were used in priesthood ordinances in connection with temple sacrifice. (Leviticus 6:15)  (Exodus 30:23) And, so the world came to look for the entrance of a king, and magi studied the stars searching for His arrival. Even in Old Testament times Isaiah’s words help us understand how valuable the Savoir was by the gifts that would be given Him. Frankincense and Myrrh were expensive commodities. Many scriptures deal specifically with Frankincense as well as Myrrh.  

The book of Matthew in the bible states, “And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11) Note the word “treasures” in reference to the gifts that the wise men were bringing.  The gifts were the most precious that they had to offer.  They felt the gifts important enough to give them to the Son of God.  That tells us something about this Child's importance as well as the importance of the offering.

An article in the Ensign, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Biblicalarchaeology.0rg helps us understand some of the symbolic as well as practical reasons for the last two gifts.    

Frankincense had a practical use and held a considerable monetary value at the time of Jesus Christ, as can be evidenced by the archaeology of the Frankincense Trail which starts in the lower end of the Arabian Peninsula and continues past the Mediterranean. The practical uses of this sweet tree resin were not only found in its aromatic perfume. It is also known that this resin, had been used medicinally. Researchers at Cardiff University have demonstrated that frankincense has an active ingredient that can help relieve arthritis by inhibiting the inflammation that breaks down cartilage tissue and causes arthritis pain. The new study validates traditional uses of frankincense as an herbal remedy to treat arthritis in communities of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, where the trees that produce this aromatic resin grow. Today users of Certified Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil have a saying’ “when in doubt use frankincense.”  Its medicinal qualities have even been studied with significant results in many areas including cancer (Nicole Stephens Cancer Research) Having this oil on hand is essential to a medicine cabinet equipped against many of the terribly invasive diseases that may begin to infiltrate our world today.   
The Symbolic Meaning of Frankincense is associated with its use in priesthood ordinances, such in burnt offerings (see Leviticus 2:1), and in oil for anointing priests. Thus, it can represent the Lord’s priesthood and His role as the Lamb of God to be sacrificed on our behalf (see John 1:29). Frankincense has been researched for it's anti-aging effects. The idea of Immortality and eternal life seem also to be a symbolic meanings of this precious gift. Frankincense is also known to be able, by means of GABA receptors and due to it's being a sesquiterpene, to cross blood brain barriers - This symbolic meaning could help us understand the need for our Savior to help us cross worldly barriers into Heavenly realms. 

Myrrh, also a tree resin, is documented as economically valuable for its medicinal purposes as 
well. Evidences suggest that its medicinal uses were highly beneficial in Christ’s time period. explains that Myrrh medicinally, has been used as an astringent, antiseptic, anti parasitic  and antispasmodic agent. As early as the 4th century BC It was commonly included in mixtures used to treat worms, wounds, and sepsis. Myrrh played a key role in the religious ceremonies of the ancient Egyptians. Today, myrrh is still used as a component in mouthwashes and gargles because of its well known astringent qualities

Medicinal Myrrh - Archaeology Magazine Archive 

The Symbolic Meaning of Myrrh in the New Testament, is usually associated with embalming and burial because of its preservative qualities (see John 19:39–40). Myrrh’s medicinal uses can symbolize Christ’s role as the Master Healer,and its use in burials can symbolize “the bitter cup” He would drink when He suffered for our sins (see D&C 19:18–19) Myrrh's analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties are also being studied with significant results in overcoming pain. The symbolic meaning of which can help us understand the Savior and his effect on overcoming both the actual and spiritual pains in each of us. See also  The name Marry, from the Greek is Myrrh and means "not of heaven" - when we think about this we begin to realize that Mary was chosen "of the earth", not that she was not heavenly but that she needed to be the earthly mother of the savior. Jesus was born to an earthly Mother and a Heavenly Father. What an enlightenment! Jesus had a Heavenly Father, God, "of Heaven" and an earthly mother Mary "of the earth".  

It is almost certain that the Magi (the wise men) “from the East” knew of many of the healing properties of these tree resins when they presented them to the young baby Jesus. The symbolic meanings may have also been understood by them. Jesus was the one that they were looking for, Our Savior, and His light is still blessing the lives of the world.  These wise men traveled from afar as a symbol to each of us of the importance of our Lord. They thought these resins so important that they offered them as gifts to the Savior of the world, and though nothing of this world could possibly pay back our Savior for what he has done for us it is enlightening to know that these men presented the most valuable things that they could possibly give.  It may be “wise” to have these oils in our medical supply closet, they are still wonderful gifts.  

One of the most practical ways to use Frankincense and Myrrh  is to apply them topically onto the skin.  Frankincense is often put into creams and lotions its oil is know specifically to reduce many of the signs of aging.  Frankincense can be diffused aromatically in a cold air diffuser, it has the ablility to lift the spirit, and some feel it may also be helpful in clearing the air of many microbial threats. As stated before, when in doubt use Frankincense. Myrrh can also be topically applied.  Rubbing myrrh on bottoms of the feet, (feet being the place of highest absorption because of having the largest pores in the body) or applied topically on places that ache. Of course, keep all essential oils out of the eyes and away delicate tissues of the skin.

Frankincense and Myrrh Products

The Basics of OIls

Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds, that are the basic protection of plants. They are extracted from trees, found in the seeds, come from flowers, or other parts of plants. Essential oils have a fairly strong and often wonderful perfume. If you have ever squeezed the peeling of a citrus fruit of any type, the beads that form on the peel as you squeese it are that fruits essential oils. Essential oils of a particular plant protect it and help with pollination. Oils can be anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antisemitic,anti-microbial, anti- bacterial,and they are made of phyto-chemicals. They are soluble in fat and they do not include fatty lipids. Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential oils are clean and can be are quickly absorbed by the skin. Essential oils can be as clear as pure clean water or they may different translucent colors. Modern scientific study and holistic approaches to health are turning many to discover the wonders of essential oils and their benefits in terms of wellness applications. 
Essential Oils as the Original Medicines
It is only in the past 75 - 150  years that medical science has tried to replicate medicine synthetically. The perfume industry started purchasing essential oils in the mid-19th century, which re-introduced oils for aromatic effect but the therapeutic science behind essential oils is a more recent rediscovery.  Oils produced with integrity are important... many companies do not have a  Certified,Pure, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils specifically made for their medicinal and emotional effect.  Even people with anozmea (no sense of smell) can benefit from the effect of CPTG essential oils. Many low grade oils are sold in the health food stores or even at the dollar store but they are not CPTG.  They are usually created using high temperatures and processing methods that destroy the chemical compounds, some are even processed using chemical solvents.  Often these oils are tainted with sprays and pesticides.  CPTG Individual oils, that have been tested by a third non-biased party is important to look for. Essential oils may have anywhere from 200 to 800 different chemicals in their make up. Oils have been used everywhere all over the world throughout it's history.  No other spiritual or religous ritual is so universal.  Oils were used in Egypt, China, Sumeria, Israel, Rome, Greece, and many other ancient cultures. 

Turpines, the reason oils work.
Turpines are composed of of carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms. Monoterpenes, a specific type of turpine, occurs in practically all essential oils, Monoterpenes can penitrate the human cells. They are always antibacterial, and antiseptic as well as analgesic in their chemistry.  Turpines contained in oils have properties that help us chemically. Some oils stimulate while others are anti-inflammatory ; some are expectorants while others have specific terpines that render them antifungal or anti-viral.  Some are decongestants and some anti-rheumatic. Oils that are tested for their particular chemical constituents that render a particular oil therapeutic are important.  CPTG oils may be antihistaminic, anti-blastic, Specific turpines, susquiturpins, are even known to be anti-carcinogenetic,  There is so much more to oils than the smell. These are only a few of the chemical properties of oils. It turns out that grandma’s peppermint tea does calm our upset stomach, and her gingerbread did make us happy!  It’s nice to know that CPTG essential oils are not (snakeoils) chemistry doesn't lie.

How Oils Work
Oils are used topically; some may be diffused aromatically likewise most can also be taken internally. The therapeutic effect of an oil and its corresponding effect on our body chemistry is dependent on it’s chemical properties, which vary, but basically oils are absorbed and directly enter cells in the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system through the blood stream. Topical oils are absorbed into the blood. Aromatically diffused oils enter the system through oxygenating molecules that enter our lungs. Diffusers that use an intense heat source, like a strong light bulb or hot candle, can cause the chemical therapeutic qualities of an oil  ineffective. Cold air diffusers enable evaporation of oil molecule into the air.  Oils may also be used internally, directly through the digestive system.

Cooking with Essential Oils 
Essential oils are great for adding flavor and spice, and can easily be used.  In fact they are very potent and take only a drop to render a effective flavor. One drop or two of an oils is often as strong as over 90 glasses of herbal tea. They do not have any artifical colors or flavors, that reciently have been attributed to many different health problems.  Essential oils provide a pure plant, fruit or herbal flavor, and when not cooked, can maintain therapeutic effect.  Many great cooks use essential oils for their convenience and flavorful impact. The preferred time to add oils is at the end of the cooking process after the food has cooled so that volatile oils don’t evaporate out. 
Disinfecting oils are anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and can be used to clean the home.  They do not render the toxicity that chemical cleaners can create and they are effective in killing bacteria, mold spores and even viruses.  They are a natural substitute for man made harsh chemicals.  Oils can be used as natural deodorizers and do not contain the artificial fragrances that are used in many other products.  
Oils to enhance smells of soaps, lotions and shampoos and toothpastes have been used for a century, although sometimes harmful chemicals to these products are also added. CPTG oils, are safe and effective and do not contain the harsh chemicals that are often contained within other products. Oils are added to facial products in order to help alleviate signs of aging and promote healthy skin.  

Oil blends can be taken as supplements.  Oils have been proven in their therapeutic effectiveness; some supplements have now tested and proven to kill cancer cells. (Google USU Center for Integrated Bio Systems) The results of study were presented at an essential oil convention Oct 2013. The study was conducted by Utah State Univerisity Chemist - Patty Champine (MSC) - USU Center for Integrated Bio Systems. Nicole Stephens, Chemist, University of Las Vegas,  has done many preliminary studies on the effects of essential oils on cancers and has suggested many different essential oils and essential oil compounds for further study. 

How to use of Essential Oils
Aromatic Diffusing
Our sense of smell influences many physiological pathways,. Simply smelling things often riggers an emoitional response.  Just think of moms homemade bread or cookies.  Aromatic stimulation triggers hormones and other metabolic processes. Aromatherapy is a therapy that uses olfactory triggers. is founded on human predictable response to specific aromatic stimuli. Many essential oils, when diffused in the air, can be stimulants in their effect, while other essential oils have a very calming and soothing effect. Beyond emotional benefits, diffusing essential oils can purify air of unwanted odors and some airborne bacteria and spores. Low or no-heat essential oil diffusers are the best type of diffusers to use because as they do not change the chemical structure of the oil being diffused. 

Topical Uses Due to their natural molecular composition, essential oils are easily absorbed by the skin and can be safely applied topically. Application of essential oils can have immediate, localized benefit. Blue Tanzania is one such essential oil, that is both anti-inflammatory as well as anti-rheumatic in it's effect, it feels very soothing and cooling. It is used in many types of anti-rheumatic pharmaceutical creams and lotions for arthritis because of it's  therapeutic effect. Although these creams and lotions often contain some type of pain killer as well. Topical uses of oils can calm  and can also be used effectively with massage and therapy. Oils are also natural disinfectants. The chemical structure of essential oils also allows them to be absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream and can benefit the body internally.

Essential oils can also be used as dietary supplements because they support a variety of healthy conditions. Some essential oils have powerful antioxidant properties while others help support healthy inflammatory response in cells. Many essential oils are safe for dietary use, but some oils should not be taken internally. Do not use any essential oil product internally that does not have the appropriate dietary supplement facts on its label.