Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Trim Shake Recipes

Awesome things to curb the Sweet Treat Cravings! 

I was at a friends home and she gave me a taste of this wonderful treat, it reminded me of my younger days, only it is totally good for me!  The treat is something we used to make on rainy days. Trim shake treats taste exactly the same - in fact, a bit better not all that sugar grit that used to be included !  
Peanut Butter Energy Protein Bar with doTERRA Trim Shake
2 Cups Organic Peanut Butter (use almond butter instead, much better for you)
2 1/2 Cups doTerra Chocolate Trim Shake
1 3/4 Cup Pure Maple Syrup (honey or agave is also an option)
3 1/2 Cups Rolled Oats
You can totally add in a few of those tiny chocolate chips and still have a pretty good for you nutritious snack.

Another Idea that I have yet to try but came across to make with trim shake 
No Bake Cookie Shake
1/3 Cup Almond Milk
2 Frozen Bananas
1 tablespoon Almond Butter
1/2 cup quick oats

Let me know if it tastes good, I was searching for the cookie recipe and came across this.  It looks really good but I wondered if it was. 


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Thankful for Essential Oils in the Delivery Room!

I am thankful for Lavender and Love!
I have had some wonderful things happen to me, just last month there was a new little granddaughter that came into my life! She is a blessing - I thank God for her daily. One of the beautiful things is how she arrived.  Her mother had her naturally, in a birthing center with no medications.  She used essential oils throughout her pregnancy - checking in with her midwife as to which ones are best and safe while being pregnant.  She was able to have her baby (her first by the way) in just 2 hours of hard labor!  A total miracle!

When my daughter in law felt a cold coming on during pregnancy her midwife suggested lime essential oil to help, as well as On Guard (a Doterra Product) which protected her from the flu that was going around.

After the birth of my granddaughter, in the Birthing Center I took in the blessings of little toes and
cute little feet and lovely little hands and her beautiful nose, and after we talked about who she looked like and how well her mother looked after giving birth - I noted the things in the birthing center, In the corner of the room was a Doterra Difusser. I didn't ask about the device, I was so totally taken by so many miracles - the difusser was just one of them.

My daughter in law was home by that afternoon - the same day of the birth! I am so thankful, she looked so good, healthy and alive as did her little one.  We diffused into my new granddaughters home the awesome smell of Elevation!  I did this to reduce any possibility of  postpartum depression. I wish Elevation had been there me.  I suffered with severe postpartum after each of my children.

Just a few weeks ago I sat in the office while my daughter in law went in for her 2 week check at the birthing center. There I came upon a book, sitting on the shelf in the birthing center waiting room, entitled Aromatherapy for Health Care Professionals. (Published in England) It explained in medical terms the - microbial, anti viral, anti inflammatory, anti histemic, and anti fungal etc etc etc all the properties of all essential oils.  Everything and anything that any medicine book you read in relation to pharmaceutical products were included in this book about essential oils.

For instance it stated that Fennel has been used for thousands of years as a menstrual cycle regulator. It also said that Fennel Oil promotes milk production in nursing mothers but to use with caution while pregnant because it can be a skin irritant.

This same book stated that Lavender was used for it's calming effect.  During my granddaughters birth, lavender played a significant roll. I looked it up in the book Aromatherapy for Health Care Professionals... It explained Lavender oil can reduce sensory overload and avert anxiety and panic attacks. My beautiful daughter in law was so totally calm during the entire experience, Both she and I credits this to my son who basically delivered his little daughter,  He was as calm as a summers morning - thanks be to God of course, but  lavender oil, a God given gift to man, has been used for it's calming effects for many years. God works in many ways. The entire center smelled of lavender.  It also explained lavender has been used for treating menstrual cramps for centuries as wel. The book, in speaking to Health Care Professionals stated  that emotional side effects of PMS can also be and have been effectively treated with the use of lavender oil.

I am happy to have a healthy little baby girl who blesses my life, but I am also thankful to have been taken through a process that further convinced me of the effectiveness of essential oils, what a gift they are from God and how they are blessing the lives of many!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Best Healing Cider Using Essential Oils - !

Apple Cider that Heals and helped protect my family from getting the fall flu.  It also helps us if we catch the flu so that we can get over it quickly.  

Healing Cider Recipe 
2 large 2 quart bottles 100 percent pure apple juice.  
1 organic, non-GMO orange cut into slices
1 can frozen 100 percent pure cranberry juice
5 drops Wild Orange Essential Oil
1-3 drops On Guard Essential Oil
1 Cinnamon Stick
3 cups pure water

to order click go to shop and blends
click to order click then go to shop and oil blends
On stove in a large kettle combine the above ingredients, except for the essential oils. Slowly heat to whatever temperature you like.  Add oils and stir.  I like mine cold sometimes so afterwords I put it into a big glass container and store it in the fridge so we can drink it all the time. Our family drinks it like it was going out of style - and it does heal.  I had the flu pretty bad and made Healing Cider and my flu only lasted for a few days and I was back on track.  I should have made it before the flu hit however, that way it is a preventive solution!  My husband, who drank the Healing Cider never did get the flu!  Yea! and Yum!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Essential Oil Zones for Adult Face and Baby Foot

Very informative picture,showing which oils work for each place. I would not use all oils on the face at one time.  Best to deal with one issue at a time, begin with most prevalent problems first. I simply used the Book Modern Essentials to determine the best oils to use.

Homonal and Gynecological - Elevation, Clairy Calm, Clary Sage, Whisper, Balance, Serenity
Large Intestine -  Ylang Ylanag, Basil or Marjoram (Dilute)
Heart - Orange, Cypress, Cinnamon (double double dilute), Sandlewood, Thyme
Lungs - Breath, Eucalyptus (dilute) Peppermint, White Fir, On Guard
Stomach- Digest Zen, Peppermint (careful not to get into eyes)
Kidneys - Lemon or Eucalyptus (caution under eyes - dilute Eucalyptus)
Liver - Geranium, Helichrysum,  Digest Zen
Bladder - Lemon Grass or On Guard, (Cystitis and Infection) Cypress (incontinence and bed wetting)

I use oils on my face, they are sometimes drying to the skin, so a moisturizing oil is essential and often dilution is very helpful as well.  It would to apply oils only on an adult face, children tend to rub their face and this would transfer oils to their eyes.  Here is a wonderful chart for baby zones using the feet.

Suggested Oils - I just used logic and love to determine this so your ideas may be different.  I felt like the following oils would be the best.

Teething and head Area- Serenity, Lavender,
Sinuses - Breathe
Solar Plexus - Aroma Touch
Upper Abdominal - Digest Zen, Peppermint (dilute)
Lower Abdominal - Balance
Pelvic Area - Purify

Monday, September 8, 2014

Fennel Soup a yummy Fall dinner!

Easy Fennel Soup using Fennel OIl and Black Pepper OIl
2 tablespoons olive oil, 
3 large leaks thin sliced, 
4 stalks celery thin sliced, 
3 large onions peeled and cut into eights. 
1 toothpick of fennel oil, (dip in toothpick and then add to soup take out after cooked.) 
2 large baking potatoes pealed and cut into bite sized pieces, 
1 tablespoon sea salt,
1 toothpick black pepper oil (do the same as fennel but don't let it cook in the soup) or you can use 1 and 1/2 teaspoons black pepper
5 cups water 
1 cup of cream, (this is optional if you like you can just do water) 
2 cubes vegetable bullion (or you can use chicken stock instead and  simply use less water.)

Heat all ingredients except the cream, until potatoes are soft.  Pour 1/2 off the mixture into the blender and blend to thicken if you like, then add that mix it back into your soup. Add in the cream, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and garnish with a bit of parsley, or sprig of fennel. 

 I am making this for dinner tonight!  Yummy Yummy! Makes about 20 cups - a real hardy soup, easy to make, great fall dinner. This soup is also good for getting better if you have had tummy troubles.

Fennel is an awesome essential oil.  It is well documented for use after pregnancy & lactation increase.   I have a friend that  used it to help with this. She said it works wonderfully.  Make sure your set on breast feeding though, because it does work. It is also good to help quiet colicky babies and helps to facilitate birthing. Mothers have been using it for a really long time.  

In the Mediterranean  Fennel has been used for centuries as a natural solution to digestive trouble and of course,  simply for culinary purposes!  It adds the YUM in Mediterranean foods. 

Doterra Fennel is Gras Safe  (falls under Generally Recognized as Safe by the FDA) Gras safe oils are used in cooking by nationally renowned chiefs. Like chef Brad, the KBYU fusion grain cooking guy.  I went to his classes at BYU education week, and yes, he used doterra oils in his cooking!  AWESOME! 

Cooking Oils - That I would suggest
Black Pepper Oil 
Fennel Oil
Lemon Oil
Cinnamon Oil
Rosemary Oil
Thyme Oil
Wild Orange Oil
Oregano Oil 
Cilantro Oil
Basil Oil
Lime Oil

To Order click mydoterra.com/cherrylee Then click shop, single oils and then your favorite cooking oils.  Remember oils are strong and last for a very long time.  They increase health and flavor! With many oils I simply dip a toothpick into an oil and then use what is on the toothpick to cook with that is strong enough.  With Lemon, Wild Orange and Lime I use a single drop or sometimes 2 but every thing else use toothpicks! I am still using the first cooking kit I purchased. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Natural Solution to ADD and ADHD

My experience with IN TUNE is that it seems to provide a good solution for alternative methods of dealing with ADD and ADHD and other focus type disorders.  IN TUNE is a blend of 7 powerful oils for CALMING- CLARITY AND FOCUS.

My Friends Experience

My friend Debbie told me about a little boy she knows who was having trouble focusing & paying attention to his teacher, he was frustrated, hated homework and he had trouble sleeping. It would take him a couple of hours to get to sleep on a Sunday night because he had anxiety knowing he had to go to school in the morning. These things are no longer issues for him because of using IN TUNE this boy’s grades have improved dramatically, he doesn't mind homework (as much) and he falls asleep within 10 minutes of going to bed. Pretty amazing stuff! 

What is my Experience Personally?

 I   have worked with learning disabled children in the public education system for much of my life. I am a para-educator  and an art teacher in both the public and private sector. Often art is a great release for children with ADD and ADHD, but I think IN TUNE is also a good solution. I  to love  children, especially those sometimes diagnosed with ADD and ADHD.  I believe the disorder is simply diagnosing a learning style in most cases. Children in this day and age are smart and they need to be engaged.  Sometimes I believe that miss diagnoses happen, but I know there are kids who have a real problem too.   I have found that children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD really do stay more focused when I have  on IN TUNE.   I wish the public schools I work with  would let me put IN TUNE on children....of course this is not possible, but I can wear it myself and that seems to work.. I have found that when I have it on   children who are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD want to sit next to me. They seem to have an innate sense that they can be helped in this way. 

Lynette Writes on the Doterra Blog
I have a daughter who has struggled all her life with these issues and was finally found to be autistic, though high-functioning. She has been on several medications, but has finally settled on Vyvanse and Wellbutrin, which has been working wonders for her. We didn't think it was possible to get more focus or quality of life for her than we were getting with the Vyvanse and Wellbutrin, but were amazed at how the In-Tune worked for her. I have worked in the medical field and am also certified as a family herbalist and massage therapist, so I have learned to work within the parameters of what things can and do work together well. I would strongly recommend In-Tune for anyone to use, particularly anyone who is on medications for ADD/ADHD, Autism, depression, etc.
The best way to use In-Tune, in my opinion, is to place 2-3 drops on the bottoms of each foot, rub a drop of two behind each ear, rub 2-3 drops up the c-spine (the neck) to the bottom of the skull. We also diffuse In-Tune into the air around our daughter’s desk when she is trying to work on homework.
- See more at: http://doterrablog.com/finding-focus-with-intune-blend/#sthash.UwTmlrWk.dpuf

For the Science Behind the Oil Please Visit this Website

TO ORDER IN TUNE OIL visit Doterra 
IN TUNE is found under oil blends - In TUNE is in an easy to use roller bottle.  I put it on my wrists and neck like I would a perfume, it  smells wonderful! 

Safe Mosquito Repellant and Bug Be Gone

Natural Mosquito Repellent and bug be gone!
Are you one who just simply knows, by the smell of the stuff, that Mosquito Sprays are really not the best thing for you.  I am. I know that there are many who say that Deet is safe but an article on Kidshealth.org expalins; "Generally, repellent with DEET should not be applied more than once a day, and is not recommended for babies younger than 2 months old."  it goes on to explain other problems: I wonder about the exposure to us older ones.  I never have believed that a little bit won't hurt you, not with anything bad for you.  I say stay away.  

Terra Shield
 TerraShield is a natural approach to managing exposure to biting insects. It contains citronella, a natural bug repellant and it does not stink at all.  Terra Shield's fresh, light citrus smell is wonderfully invigorating and can be used safely by everyone in the family, there is nothing wrong with the natural things that God has given to his children.

Dr. Hill about Terra Shield - Why does it work.