Saturday, November 8, 2014

Thankful for Essential Oils in the Delivery Room!

I am thankful for Lavender and Love!
I have had some wonderful things happen to me, just last month there was a new little granddaughter that came into my life! She is a blessing - I thank God for her daily. One of the beautiful things is how she arrived.  Her mother had her naturally, in a birthing center with no medications.  She used essential oils throughout her pregnancy - checking in with her midwife as to which ones are best and safe while being pregnant.  She was able to have her baby (her first by the way) in just 2 hours of hard labor!  A total miracle!

When my daughter in law felt a cold coming on during pregnancy her midwife suggested lime essential oil to help, as well as On Guard (a Doterra Product) which protected her from the flu that was going around.

After the birth of my granddaughter, in the Birthing Center I took in the blessings of little toes and
cute little feet and lovely little hands and her beautiful nose, and after we talked about who she looked like and how well her mother looked after giving birth - I noted the things in the birthing center, In the corner of the room was a Doterra Difusser. I didn't ask about the device, I was so totally taken by so many miracles - the difusser was just one of them.

My daughter in law was home by that afternoon - the same day of the birth! I am so thankful, she looked so good, healthy and alive as did her little one.  We diffused into my new granddaughters home the awesome smell of Elevation!  I did this to reduce any possibility of  postpartum depression. I wish Elevation had been there me.  I suffered with severe postpartum after each of my children.

Just a few weeks ago I sat in the office while my daughter in law went in for her 2 week check at the birthing center. There I came upon a book, sitting on the shelf in the birthing center waiting room, entitled Aromatherapy for Health Care Professionals. (Published in England) It explained in medical terms the - microbial, anti viral, anti inflammatory, anti histemic, and anti fungal etc etc etc all the properties of all essential oils.  Everything and anything that any medicine book you read in relation to pharmaceutical products were included in this book about essential oils.

For instance it stated that Fennel has been used for thousands of years as a menstrual cycle regulator. It also said that Fennel Oil promotes milk production in nursing mothers but to use with caution while pregnant because it can be a skin irritant.

This same book stated that Lavender was used for it's calming effect.  During my granddaughters birth, lavender played a significant roll. I looked it up in the book Aromatherapy for Health Care Professionals... It explained Lavender oil can reduce sensory overload and avert anxiety and panic attacks. My beautiful daughter in law was so totally calm during the entire experience, Both she and I credits this to my son who basically delivered his little daughter,  He was as calm as a summers morning - thanks be to God of course, but  lavender oil, a God given gift to man, has been used for it's calming effects for many years. God works in many ways. The entire center smelled of lavender.  It also explained lavender has been used for treating menstrual cramps for centuries as wel. The book, in speaking to Health Care Professionals stated  that emotional side effects of PMS can also be and have been effectively treated with the use of lavender oil.

I am happy to have a healthy little baby girl who blesses my life, but I am also thankful to have been taken through a process that further convinced me of the effectiveness of essential oils, what a gift they are from God and how they are blessing the lives of many!