Monday, May 19, 2014

Best Oil for Depression, Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular System!


Bergamot is not at all expensive, much less of an investment than any high priced depression medications.  I used to use all types of depression medications.  It was not fun!  One time my dear doctor, bless his heart, he didn't know what to do, said; "I think that they have just stopped working for you.  Your body is simply not utilizing the medicine, it is less effective. Why don't we add another medication that will enhance the others."  WHAT!  I was simply not going to take more stuff.  The stuff I was taking was having all kinds of side effects, weird dreams, I wasn't able to sleep and I had lost a lot of energy and I felt like I just didn't care.  It seemed that the medicine simply was taking me to a really bad place - I couldn't function well. This is when I started to do oils.  I used elevation, citrus bliss and others.  I didn't know about Bergamot.  But,  recently a friend of mine told me about Bergamot - she explained that it was an an oil for depression.  I started to do my research. Here is what I have found.

Bergamot is a citrus fruit grown in the Italian City of Bergamo. 
It absorbs high amounts of sunlight and looks similar to an orange with a bit of a pear shape and it is yellow to yellow-green in color. Bergamot Oil is processed from the pealing. 

Bergamot is helpful with feelings of despair and specifically - helps us to stop being down on our-self, being self judgmental and self critical.  Not that we aren't all down on ourselves sometimes, but when I was depressed all the time, I was also down on my self all the time. Here is scientific study showing how Bergamot is so probiotic - that it helps the fauna and flora of our intestinal system. This makes all the difference and the following tells us why....

According to the American Psychological association in an Article Sept. 2012, new studies indicate that our gut has everything to do with our moods!  This makes sense to me - all things seemed to be linked into one whole - so Bergamot, with it's it's wonderful pro-biotic properties and being raised in the sunshine of Italy has the ability to help me feel better. If I was spending some time in Italy in the Sunshine, I would feel better - so Bergamot gives us a little bit of that! 

Bergamot has also been found to be helpful in lowering HDL. It has shown very positive effects in helping with reduction of high cholesterol  A 30 day study April 2012 Department of Cardiology University of Rome shows that Bergamot may be helpful in the fight against diabetes and obesity. I put most oils on my feet, because feet absorb oils faster, due to the larger pores in the feet. 

Care should be used, because, as with many citrus oils, skin becomes photosensitive, avoid ultraviolet light for about 3 days after using on skin exposed to sunlight.  Another reason we should use it on our feet. Doterra Bergamot is on the GRAS safety list put out by the FDA in the USA (Generally recognized as safe for human consumption).  

If you would like to shop for Bergamot it is a single oil and can be ordered by clicking here.