Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mother's Day Idea Made Easy Order your own Gift Set or Homemade Body Butter!  I love these two easy and wonderful Mother's Day Ideas...the first idea you can get from It is limited supply so hurry If you think about it you can make the Homemade Body Butter with essential oils you order, give the Butter to Mom and keep the oils and lotions for yourself!  I think that is what I will do this time.


Serenity - the name says it all, wonderful to help with a good nights sleep or simply put in tub to relax
Balance - Help keep those hormones in check - helps with mood swings that come with being a mom.
Whisper - Brings out allure and femininity by working with personal pharamones to create a unique smell that is very sensual and attractive.

Free Body Lotion - Not only to moisturize but use as a blending solution and carrier for the oils.

The entire set is only $35.00!!! wholesale price - act fast - going quickly.

Due to the popularity of our Mother’s Day Gift Set, this is a limited time offer.
 Set includes a FREE Hand and Body Lotion with a 5mL bottle of
Serenity, Balance, and Whisper essential oil blends. This exceptional trio
of oils has been carefully selected from the most appealing dōTERRA
essences. Use this special gift as a perfect introduction for someone who
has not yet experienced the powerful benefits of dōTERRA essential oils.

Super Easy Whipped Body Butter with Essential Oils

I love Body Butter!  This one is easy to make… and it is not full of fillers and water or alcohol like store bought brands.  It is a great gift for Mom and one of the best gifts you can give to yourself! 

Items Needed:

½ Cup Cocoa Butter (get the butters and oil at the health food store)
½ Cup Shea Butter
½ Cup Coconut Oil
1/2 pint canning jars

Essential Oil of Choice ~ Some good options are Lavender, Chamomile, Wild Orange, Ylang Ylang, Elevation, Serenity, Whisper, or Balance. 
1 Tbsp Cornstarch (*Optional - I don't do this myself but some say it helps thicken the butter)
Airtight Container (use the 1/2 pint cute canning jars - easy)

Stand or Hand Mixer

In a double boiler, combine cocoa butter, shea butter and coconut oil and allow to melt over low heat. Once melted, cool in the refrigerator - about 1 hour. Then add in 5 drops essential oil and cornstarch (if you like) and beat on high speed, for 5-8 minutes or until stiff peaks form. (it looks like egg whites but thicker) Place back in refrigerator for 10 minutes to set.

Place in a clean, dry and of course Cute airtight jar, I always add a cute ribbon!  Mom will love it!

Mothers Day Energy Kit

Brown Paper Lunch Bag

A Paper Doily
A Ribbon or Piece of Raffia or Jute
Citrus Bliss $20.00 (find under oil blends on my web page) or Wild Orange Essential Oil $14.00 (under single oils)
Citrus Bliss Hand Lotion $8.67 (under Doterra spa)
Citrus Bliss Invigorating Bath Bar $9.32 (also Doterra Spa)

Add this little tag to the top if you like - If you have time!

Mothers Day Energy Kit;

Mom - You are always working hard for everyone else, so.... 
I packed a bit of energy just for you!  

Easy one to make - simply cut the top edge of little brown paper bag so it is a bit smaller and fold over.  Fold the paper doily in half.  Hole punch two wholes in bag and tie ribbon, Jute, or some raffia through the two holes. Fill the bag with the Citrus Energy Products and there you have it!  Cute, Fun, Easy and Different! She can add the Citrus Bliss or Wild Orange to her bath or simply rub it on her feet.  It is a real pick me up! I love to diffuse my oils, or smell a little drop from my palm - on days when I need a bit of extra energy.

Bath Salts

Bath salts are oh so easy to make.  It only takes a few items.

A bit of rock salt 1 cup - (NOT the pellets - you need the rock type.)
Your Favorite Essential Oil (you can pick and choose what you want... I recomend lavender, or Serenity if your mother baths at night... or if she bathes in the morning wild orange or citrus bliss.  But you can choose which ever you like. There are a number to choose from, shop on my website website)
A fun container - I always get a fun glass one from the dollar store
*Food Coloring - optional
Little Fake Daisy or other flower, optional as well.

Simply put the rock salt in a baggie - add 5 or 6 drops oil and shake it up (put in a titch of food coloring if you wish it doesn't take much, sometimes I use a tooth pick with color on it and then remove it later.).  It smells wonderful and when just a few rocks are added to the bath water it is AWESOME, If you want a pretty purple add 1 drop blue and 1 drop red.
For orange/gold add 1 drop yellow and one drop red. For pink add only a bit of red coloring on a toothpick. I love the way this turns out.  You can add a cute little fake flower to the lid for fun!

Have a wonderful MOTHERS DAY!!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Fibonacci and The God Sequence in Oils

Broccoli demonstrating the Fibonacci sequence. 
As an Artist, I am fascinated with the Fibonacci Sequence and how wonderfully it explains order in our universe.  It relates to Phi = 1.618033988... and the Golden Mean. It is not just in art and math, it is found in music as well as in many things in nature, including Essential Oils.  I prefer to think of it as Gods Patterns, in fact, in art it is considered to be the formula for beauty itself. It is contained within shapes most pleasing to the eye.  This sequencing of like ratios is found rapid throughout nature, everything from large galaxies to atomic scale magnetic resonance, from a simple sunflowers to a complexity of crystals. It is speculated, that somewhere contained within the magical number patterns of the Fibonacci Sequence is the key to a universal law.  There has got to be some divinely understood theory behind this wonderful patterning found throughout our well thought out and well devised
Fibonacci Sequence = Golden Ratio

The Fibonacci sequence was discovered by a wonderful Italian mathematician Bonaccio Leonardo Fibonacci.  The sequence goes as such 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,... and so on.  Where 1 and 1 are 2, 1 and 2 are 3, 3 and 5 are 8, 5 and 8 are 13 and so on and so forth forever. The ratios are what is exciting, for created by the spaces between each number in the Fibonacci sequence is a specific ratio.  The match up is not in number, but rather one of proportion. Some would superimpose a certain sequence on a natural object and claim it is all a sham - but it is not a sham at all. For the ratio is what is referenced not the numeral, though the numbers differ the ratio is the same. In nature it always approaches Phi which is the math way of saying "the Golden Ratio" but in art we often know this proportion as the Golden Mean. It also ironically, relates to Pascals Triangle I reference it as the God Sequence myself.  I don't think it mystical or mysticism at all.  I mean as we study it we can understand it. I think God understands it very well and as we study it we can understand it too. Take 13 year old Aidan Dwyer who studied it in tree structure and found it optimal in harvesting sunlight for photosynthesis. He then, using the principle, was able to apply it to efficient harvesting of solar power. He saw it in nature and turned around and replicated it's law.  Many reference it as Divine Proportion.  I think it is divine as well. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints references human intellect in this way.  If thou shalt ask, thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable things—that which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal. (Doctrine and Covenants 42:61)

Well, it turns out, the Fibonacci Sequence is also used in the Art of Essential Oils.  Awesome as it sounds, oils also are created using this sequencing of numbers in order to create perfect blends.  Not only this but oils because of their (Fibonacci Sequences) help to stabilize our frequencies in the midst of other things, man made, which create chaos and disharmony in our universe. 

The beauty of a sunflower, is in perfect resonance with Fibonacci sequencing
In 1992, studies conducted by Bruce Tainio, of Tainio Technology (an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington), using the world's first frequency monitor, determined that the average, frequency of the human body as being 62-68 MHz.
Phi in Pine cones
 He also determined that a healthy body exerted a frequency is between 62-72 MHz. Then he found that as person's frequency drops, the immune system becomes more and more compromised.  If a persons frequency drops below 58 MHz, cold and flu symptoms may begin to appear, dropping further and further on the frequency scale more and more problems attack a persons health.

Jasmine and Fibonacci Sequencing!  Beautiful! 
Universal Law of Golden Ratio - 
Nikola Tesla, best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system said that, if we could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered in our bodies, we would have greater resistance toward disease.  Many pollutants, lower healthy frequencies of the body.  Processed and canned food have a frequency of absolutely zip and either that or chaos are  frequencies associated with many fast foods. No surprise here! Joseph Smith, the prophet, had it right. It has now been measured on a scale of frequency that just one sip of coffee can, lower a person's frequency by 14 MHz. After that sip it will then take about three days for a person's frequency to return to normal. (this is without use of essential oils.)  

Fossil Shell and the Golden Ratio, Golden Mean or Fibonacci Sequence  a Universal Law! 
The Golden Mean, Frequencies and Fibonacci Numbers. 
The Wonder of a Snowflake also is related to Fibonacci Numbers.

So, what can one do to maintain high frequencies?  Turns out when essential oils are inhaled, frequencies that have been interfered with due to associations with chaotic frequencies such as foods & even devices, will return to normal within 21 seconds. Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any known natural substance. Starting at 52 MHz and go as high as 320 MHz — the frequency of rose oil.  (For purposes of comparison, fresh produce has up to 15 MHz, dry herbs from 12 to 22 MHz, and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 MHz.) Frequencies of different essential oils have demonstrated the ability to help restore and/or maintain a person's frequency for optimal health, creating an environment in which microbes — bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. — simply can not live. 

The frequency of an essential oil, along with its fragrance and chemistry, plays an integral part of its overall therapeutic effect of an essential oil.  When an oil is Pure (CPTG) it's kinetic "life" has the ability to raise the level of a person's xi, enhancing health and well-being; while its harmonic resonance can bring balance to all body systems. Strangely enough we can understand to a great effect, harmony between essential oils and humans by studying music.  The following is Bence Peter Demonstration of the Fibonacci Sequence in Music.

The piano is a great example of the physical manifestation of Fibonacci numbers in instruments. There are traditionally thirteen notes which separate each octave, or set of eight notes, in a scale. The foundation of a scale is formed around the third and fifth tones. Both of those pitches are "whole tones," which are two steps from the first note of the scale. Guitars also use the Fibonacci sequence! The guitar is separated into segments referred to as "frets." Frets get smaller and smaller as they approach the body of the guitar. If you were to use a slide rule to measure, you would discover that there is a relationship between the frets of a guitar and logarithmic measures because they decrease with the same proportions.  Amazingly, the ratio between frets also, in a good guitar, approaches the number Phi. Fibonacci's sequence is a logarithmic measure, and therefore it's easy to 
see the relationship between the composition of the guitar and Fibonacci numbers.

Art and the Golden Ratio
So, what does this have to do with Essential Oils... Well...

Scientists have recently recognized that the double-helix structure of the DNA molecule also has the logarithmic proportions of the Golden Ratio (McWhinnie, 62).

The average frequencies of  therapeutic grade essential oils that have been measured: and it appears, putting these two facts together that oils and DNA Simpy help heal. 

Rose (Rosa damascene).....................320 MHz
Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia)........118 MHz
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)................105 MHz
Blue Chamomile (Matricaria recutita).....105 MHz
Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma)............98 MHz
Aloes/Sandalwood (Santalum album)......96 MHz
Angelica (Angelica archangelica)...........85 MHz
Peppermint (Mentha peperita)..............78 MHz
Galbanum (Ferula gummosa).................56 MHz
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)......................52 MHz 

These frequency numbers directly relate, just as harmony between piano keys or  guitar strings, to the same PHI sequencing factors in human DNA.  When humans use pure therapeutic grade essential oils the frequencies of each individual oil helps to raise the personal human resonance to a higher level on the frequency scale. It is a simple matter of harmonic resonance with between man (or woman) and nature. It is true, the Beach Boys got it right.  Not only can we have good vibrations but we can have them by thinking good thoughts as well. Our xi, is raised by simply doing good, thinking good and being good.  That also correlates with scripture. So, while your thanking Fibonacci, Thank God!  For it is his divine proportions which have been have been discovered - by man, and which are continuing to be discovered even at a greater level in this new day and age! Next time you inhale a lovely jasmine oil or a wonderful lavender thank God that you can have Good Vibrations!  ~ 
Watch Ted Talk about the Fibonacci Sequence for a better understanding.

Just wondering, lets combine a few things;  look at a Divinely Proportioned creation, listen to a awesomely harmonic Fibonacci sequencing in music while diffusing essential oils of a high frequency and while doing so clear your thought processes and think good.  My theory is that this might help healing increase in individuals with leaps and bounds!!!

Click Here for Trying Oils
Click Here for Understanding of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Jesus Easter Eggs that Teach the REAL meaning of Easter!

This is all About the Resurrection and Jesus, which I believe is the most appropriate thing to blog about, especially at Easter.  I usually add Jesus's message to everything I do, with Oils or with Greens but since it is so close to Easter Sunday and because I love my Savior, I have decided to include a special message about him. I am an artist at heart, and I believe that Jesus, the creator is too.  So, here is a creative activity to bring you and your family closer to him. After creating your Egg Carton filled with things related to scripture you can have a fun family home evening with your family that teaches the truth and beauty of Jesus's Resurrection in an awesome way!

Things you will need
Egg Carton
1 Dozen Plastic Open-able Eggs
a small cup (I use the type that we take the sacrament in each Sunday)
3 shiny dimes
A piece of twine - about 2 inches long or so
A piece of soap - I break a little Hotel soap in 1/2
A red cloth - It needs to be plain deep scarlet red but only about 2 inches square
A Finishing Nail (As in Hammer and) or Small Cross (if you have one to spare)
3 Toothpicks broken in 3 different sizes or else a Dice (I know this is a plural - One Die is what I use)
Fine Gravel or Course Sand
Whole Cloves, 1"Cinnamon Stick (You could use a small sample vile of Myrrh or other spice oil, which teaches the lesson great - because this is what was used actually used for embalming in Christ's time.)

Now Print up this list and fill your eggs accordingly with the scripture taped on the outside of each egg - I also include, on the top of each egg carton a caution as well as instructions - I put this (Caution and Instructions) at the bottom of this list - you can highlight it, cut and paste it into your word processing program and print it up, so it is easy.
You will then have..

Easter Eggs with the Real Meaning of Easter Inside to use for a Easter Family Home Evening Lesson! 

Tape Scripture to Eggs that Contain the Items in the Column Below

1. Matthew 26: 36&39   Sacrament Cup ( represents - let cup pass from me)

2. Matthew 26:14-16 3 Dimes ( represents 30 pieces of Silver)

3.  Matthew 27:1-2 Twine (represents they bound Jesus)

4.  Matthew 27:21-25 Soap (meaning Pilot washed his hands of the crime committed)

5. Matthew 27:28-30 Red Cloth (represents cloth draped upon Jesus)

6.  John 19:16-18 Nail or small Cross (Represents The Crucifixion)

7.  Mark 15:24 3 toothpicks broke in different sizes or Dice (meaning they gambled)

8.  Matthew 27: 50-54 Fine Gravel – or Course Sand (represents rocks in earthquake)

9.  Matthew 27:57-60 White Gauze (represents clean linen Jesus was wrapped in)

10. Matthew 27: 62-66 Rock (for the rock or the stone rolled across the tomb)

11. Luke 24:1 Spices: Whole Cloves, Cinnamon Sticks, Myrrh Oil (embalming )

12. Matthew 28:1-6 Empty (put nothing in this egg at all - the tomb was empty)

Caution: Small pieces within each egg so be careful when opening the eggs.
Instructions:  Read the scripture referenced on egg number 1 then open that egg.  Continue reading and opening each egg (2 -12) in order, until all eggs are opened.

Have Fun! ... As you read the scripture the corresponding item in each egg will help teach the lesson with objects. The best way to teach, that's what Jesus did!  Note that the last one is empty, when we did this as a family our children were small and my youngest son said; "it's empty!" and we all stopped and listened to him - and we all understood, the tomb was empty and that is the beauty of the message of Jesus Christ, he has Risen, and so will each of us!

Because of Jesus Christ, the Son of God we can all Rise again!  And because of him, we each have the freedom to choose to live our lives according to His instructions, and live again with our Father in Heaven!  I love him, and He LOVES YOU! Happy Easter.


Saturday, April 5, 2014

How Safe are Essential Oils?

Essential Oil Facts - 

IBISworld Industry Market Research. 
'The Essential Oil manufacturing industry develops and produces concentrated hydrophobic liquids that contain aroma compounds from plants. An oil is "essential" in the sense that it carries a distinctive scent or essence of the plant... A growing consumer shift to natural, eco-friendly products is also contributing to revenue growth."
Most Industry Production of Oils however is used for Perfume and Cosmetic Companies, Such as Proctor and Gamble. This is called the Global Flavor and Fragrance Manufacturing Industry. The trends for this industry are increasing despite economic turmoil. 

Growth of the Industry of Essential Oils may be due to the fact that  consumers are recognizing a need for natural medications and alternative solutions. 

What types of Fragrance Essential Oils are in the Market Place? 

1. The first is “Synthetic”; which is used in the Perfume and Industrial industry. These oils are made up of synthetic compounds or are chemically engineered. This makes up about 98% of oils that are sold today.  These oils are used for their aromatic compounds and not therapeutic effect and not for human consumption.

2. The second is “Food Grade”; these oils are used in the food industry. For an Essential Oil to be used in the food industry it has to pass as “Generally Recognized as Safe” by the Food and drug administration.  This test is commonly known as the GRAS Standard. (taking about this later)

3. The third group of oils are Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils

There are currently no regulatory standards for the descriptive use of "Therapeutic grade" products labeled as essential oils and many of these oils are sold very cheaply  in the Health Food Stores. 
If you are using these types of oils, (cheep ones from the Heath Food Stores) you may find that your oils will not only not get you better, they may even make you sick. (No wonder some feel that said that oils are not safe for human consumption.) 

Why Doterra Essential Oils Differ 

Doterra Essential Oils, by choice, Undergo 5 Separate extensive chemical tests to insure that the oils and there theraputic effect are safe for the consumer, these tests are not conducted by Doterra but by a hired non-bias third party of chemists.  
(I am personally acquainted with one Chemist who resides On Doterra's Scientific Board, she graduated from BYU in Chemistry and worked at UNLV on cancer research and Essential Oils... her family lives near me. She as well as other chemists are not allowed, in any aspect, to join Doterra, it would be a conflict of intrest.)   

    1. Doterra Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils go through a testing process called Gas Chromatography. Most reputable companies in the Essential Oil industry conduct this particular test. (though many not reputable companies do not) This test checks and insures that the Doterra Oils contains the correct compounds; Using gas chromatography, quality control engineers can determine which compounds are present in a test sample and, as importantly, at what levels.
    2. The second test that is done by Doterra  is done with a Mass Spectrometer  and called Mass Spectrometry Testing, this insures that all the compounds in the oils are free other impurities that need be rejected. Mass spectrometry provides additional insight to the purity of an essential oil by revealing the presence of non-aromatic compounds, such as heavy metals or other pollutants, which are too heavy to elude along a gas chromatograph. These two tests insures you as the consumer that oils do not contain pesticides, harmful chemicals or other pollutants or contaminants. 
    3. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy or FTIR testing.  FTIR testing identifies chemical compounds in consumer products, paints, polymers, coatings, pharmaceuticals, foods and other products.  (I got this definition about FTIR testing from a company that insure your products meet quality, health, environmental, safety, and social accountability standards for virtually any market around the world.)
    4. Microbial Testing:  This test is performed on all incoming material to the manufacturing facility, and also performed on finished products to ensure no harmful organisms have been introduced to the product during the filling and labeling process, and to ensure shelf-life stability.
    5. Organoleptic Testing - the analysis of the properties of products and materials—mainly foodstuffs—by means of the sense organs. 
  1. In addition to these tests some government organisations such as the FDA, provide a list
    of ingredients called GRAS (generally recognize
     as safe) that are approved for use as food additives, preservatives, and cosmetics. To date all but 7 Doterra Essential oils fall onto the GRAS list, This standard as well as the above self imposted testing standards, ensure that Doterra essential oils are the top quality Essential Oils available on the market today.
  2. Scripture Proof of Essential Oil Safety
  3. The Sons of Arron, as recorded in Leviticus of the Bible helps us understand that God believes Essential Oils are perfectly safe for human consumption.

    Leviticus 2:1-3  And when any will offer a meat offering unto the Lord, his offering shall be of fine flour; and he shall pour oil upon it, and put frankincense thereon:  And he shall bring it to Aaron’s sons the priests: and he shall take thereout his handful of the flour thereof, and of the oil thereof, with all the frankincense thereof; and the priest shall burn the memorial of it upon the altar, to be an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the Lord: And the remnant of the meat offering shall be Aaron’s and his sons’: it is a thing most holy of the offerings of the Lord made by fire.

  5. Leviticus 6: 15-16 And he shall take of it his handful, of the flour of the meat offering, and of the oil thereof, and all the frankincense which is upon the meat offering, and shall burn it upon the altar for a sweet savour, even the memorial of it, unto the Lord. And the remainder thereof shall Aaron and his sons eat: with unleavened bread shall it be eaten in the holy place; in the court of the tabernacle of the congregation they shall eat it.

    Frankincense refers to many different types of oils and spices in the scriptures, not just Frankincense the oil.  But, for those who feel Frankincense can't be ingested for medicinal purposes be sure and read the following article about it's beneficial effects when injested you can find it at this link on .

    And he made the holy anointing oil, and the pure incense of sweet spices, according to the work of the apothecary.  

    Apothecary  is an archaic word for pharmacist the historical name for a medical professional who formulated and dispensed medications to physicians, surgeons and patients this helps one to know that oils used were the same as, or made after the manner of ancient Israelite pharmaceutical practices.  An Apothecary is now a role now served by a pharmacist. 

    The Scriptures recognize the use of Essential Oils, Ointments and Compounds as being something used by ancient pharmaceutical practice -reference to an Apothecary helps us understand that oils were used for medicines  - Nehemiah records about Hananiah a righteous Israelite that strengthen the walls and gates at Jerusalem.  He was the the son of an ancient Israelite pharmacist, an Apothecary.  Nehemia 3:8 
    ... Hananiah the son of one of the apothecaries, and they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall. ( see Nehemiah 4:17 to understand why I called this young apothecaries son righteous - it is a wonderful and interesting story. Also, it states that Hananiah was the son of "one of the apothecaries" meaning there were more than just one Ancient Israelite Apothecary.)

    And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil. 

    I love this scripture, it helps us understand that God feels that being able to use oils is not just a simple thing it is an art-form!  

Doterra Oils Recommended for Cooking

  1. Cooking With Oils
  2. Essential oils are extremely concentrated - don't use as much oil as if you would dried spices or extracts. (When I use Thyme Oil, for instance, I only dip in a toothpick and stir it into pumpkin soup.)  Many commercially available flavoring extracts use artificial flavors or are diluted in alcohol or propelyne glycol. I bought a generic orange flavoring at the Grocery Store just to show people the label.  It is too small to take a picure but look at one one time in the store.  The one I bought claimed to be, "PURE ORANGE" and on the back it says that it is 85% Alcohol, so really it is only 15% pure orange.) Essential oils are the natural flavor, pure as extracted from the natural plant itself - as God intended and Doterra Oils are 100% Pure Oils. 
  2. Sweet Spice Oils: Cassia, cinnamon,  clove, fennel, ginger and peppermint.
  3. Savory Spice Oils: Basil, black pepper, cilantro, coriander, fennel, ginger, lavender, marjoram, oregaino, rosemary and thyme.
  4. Citrus Oils: Bergamont, grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, lime, wild orange. 
The Book Called "Modern Essentials" a contemporary guide to the use of essential oils contains a list of all Doterra Oils and their common uses.  It has been made for those of us who are becoming versed in the apothecary arts.  In the back of the book, is a chart called the  Quick Usage Guide - Helping you know which Oils can be used for ingestion and which oils need dilution for human consumption and which oils are not recommended for human consumption.  This chart even explains uses and dilutions of oils that are safe for an Adults, Children or Women in Pregnancy. 

Wonderful that soon after I finished prepairing this post I read an article in Doterra Living Magazine.  Dr. David K. Hill; Can Essential Oils Be Taken Internally?,  Dr. Hill came to the same conclusive evidences that I did through my own personal study.  

Here are a 10 key points from article:  Can Essential Oils Be Taken Internally? by Dr. David K. Hill.

1.     Many essential oils are safe for internal use.
2.     Excluding internal uses of oils would eliminate, a most powerful mode of administration.
3.     Science, ever-expanding, continues to confirm the safety of internal use.
4.     Vitamins and minerals, in high doses, can be toxic, likewise so can essential oils.
5.     Incredible benefits can be reaped when used appropriately and safely.
7.     There is no universal standard governing the production of essential oils.
8.     Doterra uses a third-party sicentific team to insure standards of compositon and saftey.
9.     Many Doterra oils are found on the FDA's Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list. 
10.  Taking oils internally should not be regarded lightly, use caution, be educated.

Dr. David Hill's last statement, I feel, puts many things in perspective. 
"The multi-faceted range of health applications empowers every individual with the opportunity to naturally manage their health with the utmost confidence. "

This is what essential oils use has done for me.  It has allowed me to safely take control of my own health and be confident, that when I have a problem, Doterra Essential Oils, along with my personal choice to educate myself to their medicinal values and uses, allows my husband and I to manage the health of our family with self sufficient assurance. 

Single Essential Oils to date that do not fall under the (GRAS) List 
Sandlewood* and Vetiver*. 
* These oils are in general approved FDA as a food additives and flavoring agent, but not recommended for children under 6, and diluted for adults.

  1. The CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® mark represents dōTERRA’s own third party standards for sourcing and testing pure aromatic botanical extracts using independent laboratory analysis.  It is a standard created by Doterra because no other standard existed.  Yes, it is a regestered trademark, but the Essential Oil Company regestered this mark to show it maintained a particular standard where no standard previously existed. The dōTERRA brand and registered CPTG® mark represent dōTERRA’s guarantee of pure essential oil extracts that meet high standards for both purity and material composition and for accurate product labeling.